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2023 – 2024

Cholmondeley & Chorley Parish Council

Transparency Code for Local Councils

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 set out a new audit framework for local public authorities. Under the new audit framework smaller authorities, including parish councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 will be exempt from routine external audit, but in place of the routine audit, these smaller authorities will be subject to the new transparency requirements laid out in this Code. This will enable local electors and ratepayers to access relevant information about the authorities’ accounts and governance.

One of the requirements is the publication of the Council’s spend on any item in excess of £100.

This statement lists the Parish Council’s spend during the financial year 2023-2024.

Date Payment Type VAT Total Paid out  £ Explanation of expenses
06/06/2023 cheque 0 340.00 former clerks pay
26/07/2023 cheque 0 340.00 former clerks pay
26/07/2023 cheque 0 360.00 coderra hosting
23/08/2023 cheque 48.00 288.00 TP Jones payroll service
27/09/2023 cheque 0 2546.00 neighbourhood plan
22/12/2023 AED Check ChoArms 0 154.80 Checks carried out on the defibrillator
21/02/2024 bank transfer 44.00 263.98 Defibrillator costs – Seal Calibration pads
27/03/2024 8256241 – bank payment 0 3701.00 Neighbourhood plan Grant monies paid back as did not spend the monies
28/03/2024 8256241 – bank payment 0 236.99 Lap top for the new Clerk (IT Equipment)
Total   92.00 7550.77  



Category Document
End of year accounts

Accounts for the year ended 31.03.2024

Explanation of Variances 31.03.2024

Annual governance statement Annual Governance Statement

Public Notice Rights to Inspect Accounts

Certificate of Exemption

Risk Assessment

Internal audit report Internal Audit Report  – tbc.
Accounting Statements Accounting Statements
Financial and administrative information for 2023-2024

Other:- Location of public land and building assets – The Parish Council does not own any land or building assets and therefore does not have a Public Land and Building asset Register.

If you require any more information, or have any queries, please contact the Clerk, Debbie Foulkes, at 

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