The Initial Questionnaire was delivered by hand, door to door, across Cholmondeley & Chorley Parish by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, during April 2019.
Residents were able to return the completed questionnaires to the Cholmondeley Arms or were collected by the Steering Group by the 28th of April.
An extension was provided until 6th of May for any further questionnaires to be returned.
167 Questionnaires were distributed and 63 participants responded, a response rate of 37.7%.
Question 1. What do you like about Cholmondeley and Chorley Parish as it is today?
Summary: Respondents commonly describe Cholmondeley and Chorley as a quiet, rural, peaceful , beautiful area with countryside.
Top 5 responses:
Quiet 24/63
Rural 15/63
Peace 14/63
Countryside 10/63
Community 8/63
Additional comments included:
- Love living here, wouldn’t want to be anywhere else
- Very friendly community
- Historic feel of the place
- The natural beauty of the area, the relative peacefulness, the local people
- Countryside peace and quiet
- Countryside being close to castle
- Likes the surrounding countryside, the wildlife
Question 2. What do you dislike about Cholmondeley and Chorley Parish as it is today?
Summary: Respondents indicate that they dislike road speed, no public transport whilst some respondents highlight there is nothing that they dislike
Top 6 responses:
Road speed 22/63
No public transport 12/63
Nothing 11/63
Poor mobile coverage 5/63
Poor community facilities 4/63
Poor amenities 4/63
Additional comments included:
- Apart from the state of some of the roads, there is nothing to dislike
- Speed limits too high
- Young people leaving because houses too expensive. Farmers aren’t employing people like they used to
- Lack of community at the moment – need more amenities
- Any thoughts of any more housing
- Fast drivers road can be dangerous
- Poor community facilities, lack of community housing, public transport, connectivity, mobile phone coverage
Question 3. What type of place would you like Cholmondeley and Chorley to be by 2030?
Summary: Many respondents emphasise the wish for the area to stay the same, some indicate better public transport, community and community events are needed
Top 5 responses:
Stay the same 32/63
Community 7/63
Better public transport 5/63
Community events 5/63
3/63 respectively comments on local housing, full of life, natural environment maintained, new village hall, no developments, safter roads
Additional comments included:
- To retain its current status, peace and quiet. Planting of more trees in rural areas
- Same as it is now, no developments
- Still peaceful still wonderful countryside, safer roads
- Have a community feel with more housing for local people
- Same as now with more community events
- More social events for locals to meet and help each other
- Somewhere better for younger people
- A thriving community where people can live, work and socialise within the parishes ie local housing, community facilities and environmental improvements etc.
Question 4. On scale of 1-10 (low – high) how important are the following issues to you?
Responses ranked by importance:
1. The natural environment 9.49/10
2. The historic/traditional environment 8.71/10
3. Transport and pathways 6.93/10
4. Leisure and community facilities 6.46/10
5. Housing to meet local needs 6.25/10
6. Job opportunities 5.84/10
Question 5. Any other comments for each of the issues above?
Responses ranked by issue importance per question 4:
1. The natural environment
Top responses:
Don’t harm rural nature
Less wildlife than previously
Visitors say how nice it is
Want to keep place feeling like a welcoming home
We love the area, peaceful and beautiful countryside
2. The historic/traditional environment
Top responses:
Beautiful countryside
Love the area peaceful
Need younger people to stay in area
Too many older people
No mobile phone coverage
Not enough for younger people
3. Transport and pathways
Top responses:
Need public transport 6
Potholes 4
Reduce speed limits 4
Other points were raised by 1 respondent for each respective point were poor roads, reduce speed limit, traffic calming at bank bridge, traffic calming measures, trails for people to walk and bike through woods, transport for minority groups, walks
Additional comments included:
- We really feel that Nantwich Road going through Chorley needs reduced speed limits in area where children/pedestrians walk regularly. Its becoming unacceptably dangerous – than will be a serious accident
- The 60mph speed limit on nantwich road needs lowering to 30 mphs around housing. Children walk to school bus and 60 mph with no footpaths is not appropriate
- Cannot drive so public transport very important
- Better traffic calming measures
- Potholes in road
- Better traffic calming measures at bank bridge
- Really poor public transport – major problem
- Back roads need speed limits if further residential developments take place
- Sensible revised speed limits 40mph required
- Very poor road – potholes etc
- Trails for people to walk and bike through woods
4. Leisure and community facilities
Top responses:
New village hall 4
Some people come and don’t stay 2
Variety of other comments from a respondent included – community facilties are distinct and not always compatible, difficult to get into, doctors, facilities, fewer medical services, leisure, less reliant, community, local clean ups, loss of community, meetings to discuss concerns minimal, need shop, need village environment, poor community focus, schools, sports facilties, used to be good parties and dances at hall
5. Housing to meet local needs
Top responses:
No new housing 7
Need local housing 3
Fill empty houses 3
Affordable Housing 2
Housing to meet everyones needs 2
Additional comments included:
- I am not against thoughtful, well considered developments in keeping with the local environment and existing buildings but there needs to be sufficient development of services (roads, medical facilities, schools, libraries) to support new developments
- Want affordable housing for young and old
- Not too many new ones
- We need to fill empty houses
- Always wanted new housing
- No further building
- Housing to meet local needs regarding affordable living
- Don’t build in rural areas
- Not bold enough with planning issues, should have less reliance on community, older people bungalows would be good, use local architects
- Decrease prices, build 2 bedroom properties, small housing i.e. 2 bedrooms but in keeping with area, no housing estate
- First time buyer properties so young people can stay in the area
- The planning system is outdated
- Housing needs are for smaller unit that are affordable but should be sympathetically planned so not to harm the rural nature of the area
- Need to do something with existing houses not leave empty like Parkside farm house
- Avoid blocking movement up and down the housing scale – free up big houses for growing families, smaller to samller families
- More retirement homes – better than St Winfredes
- There are few facilities and lack of community focus that would be resolved with a new village hall and at its core have local housing, shop, village hall, sports facilities, employment opportunities if carefully planned
6. Job opportunities
Top responses:
More jobs to decrease commute 1
More work for younger people 1
Need employment opportunities 1
Not industrial units 1
Rural jobs 1
Additional comments included:
- Want more work for younger people
- Need more jobs so people don’t have to commute
- Rural jobs are important but urban industrial units are not